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A Russian flag and a blackboard that says do you speek Russian

Translated Articles into Russian

Русская игра на Ближнем Востоке

"The Russian Game in the Middle East"

Translated and re-published by the "Center Asia"


Краткий обзор внутренней политики России и влияющих на нее факторов

"A Brief Review of Russia's Domestic Policy and Factors Influencing It"

Translated and re-published by the ""


Возвращение исламского фундаментализма в Россию: потенциальная угроза или пустое предположение?

"The Return of Islamic Fundamentalism to Russia: Potential Threat or Empty Speculation?"

Translated and re-published by ""


От принудительного переселения до тюремного заключения

"From Forced relocations to imprisonment"

Translated and re-published by "IQNA"

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